Monday, September 27, 2010

Flora and Fauna

1. Yellow Tree : Rexburg Nature Park 09.26.10 4:30. f 3. 1/200. Layer mask - color burn. Canon Powershot SD790.
2. Grasshopper : Rexburg Nature Park 09.26.10 4:15. f3. 1/200. Multiply adjustment layer. Canon Powershot SD790.
3. Bird : Rexburg Nature Park 09.26.10 4:50. f3. 1/200. Vibrance and exposure. Canon Powershot SD790

I adjusted all my photos this week. I really enjoyed implementing what Sis. Esplin taught last week about layers while working with the grasshopper photo. It's my favorite this week. I'm still figuring out the settings on my camera and where they are. I failed to remember my ISO settings while shooting so my photos are grainy. I will figure it out, I promise!


  1. First of all, stop apologizing. Your photos are turning out great. We are all learning little by little. I would have to say that the grasshopper is my favorite as well. Well done and keep up the good work!

  2. I really like the picture of the tree looking up. The composition is great and so are the colors.
